How to create a foolproof launch plan for your online courses

Want to launch an online course but don’t know where to start? Feeling overwhelmed with all the decisions you need to make? This blog breaks down the simple steps you can do to create a launch plan that’s repeatable, easy-to-follow and provides the momentum you need to get that online course out into the world.


Start with a launch strategy.

Launching an online course is more than just putting content online; it requires a strategic approach to move your audience from where they are now to where they want to be. A launch strategy serves as a roadmap, guiding you through each phase of the launch process.

It helps you define your goals, identify your target audience, and outline the steps needed to achieve a course launch. Without this foundation, you risk wasting time going straight to creating content and being really frustrated with your launch results.

What to include in your launch strategy:

  • Launch goals - what do you want to achieve with this launch?

  • KPI’s - how will I measure my goals and results for this launch?

  • Define your target audience - who is PERFECT for your course?

  • Define your key messaging - what do people need to know about my course to enrol?

  • Define your marketing strategy - how will I attract people to my course?

  • Promotions - What promotions will I do to attract leads?

  • Visibility plan - who will you reach out to to help promote your launch? What communities can you tap in to?

  • Platforms - where will I distribute content and launch my course online? In-person?

  • Content plan - what will I say? When? Where? What type of content?

  • Timeline - What is happening during my launch and when?

Break it into stages.

Launching a course takes way more time than you think - especially if your audience isn’t aware of the problem that your course solves. Breaking your launch plan into stages helps you organize your work easier.

Here’s a quick snapshot of what to do in each phase:

Pre-Launch Phase: Build anticipation with behind-the-scenes content, build your email list with lead magnets and send strategic emails that help your audience bring awareness to their problem (and how you can help). This is the time to generate leads, not sell.

Launch Phase: Implement a combination of marketing strategies, such as webinars, email campaigns, and social media promotions, to drive enrollment. This is when your content and energy is put into the launch. Do NOT try to sell anything else during this time. You’ll confuse your audience.

Post-Launch Phase: Keep the momentum going by providing additional value, engaging with participants, and collecting feedback for future improvements to your course. This is a great time to audit your launch straight after you close the doors to your course.

Keep your launch plan SIMPLE.

If you’ve never launched a course or digital product before, do not try to run multiple free workshops, and challenges or add multiple bonuses.

Your first launch (or re-launch if you haven’t in a while) is merely to get data points. Focus on delivering an exceptional course regardless of how many enrol. You need social proof to help in your launch plan the next time.

Here’s how to keep your launch plan simple:

  • Create a launch strategy.

  • Choose your launch timeframe and when you will deliver the course.

  • Create your content to attract new leads for your course.

  • Close your cart at the end of your launch.

  • Run through a launch audit to improve your next launch.

  • Repeat with revisions and feedback from students.

Make your launch plan repeatable.

Starting a course launch from scratch after you’ve launched once isn’t efficient. Instead, create a template for your launch stuff to copy for the next one.

Launch stuff to template (not a full list):

  • Launch project in your PM Tool -

  • Launch graphics

  • Launch strategy

  • Content calendar

  • Sales page

  • Lead magnets

  • Email launch sequences

I cannot tell you how important it is to have a launch project template in your project management tool of choice. This eliminates months of work because you can duplicate the project and the tasks will already be set up in the project.

I have a launch project template in Asana that is populated with all of the stages of my launch, tasks associated to each stage of the launch and links to templates that I need for that launch. It takes me 30 seconds to duplicate.

Start with these three important steps.

If you’re asking yourself, ‘ya but where do I start with an online course,’ it’s not with naming it, it’s not creating content, and it’s not with creating slides in Canva.

It’s here:

Define Your Goals: Clearly outline what you want to achieve with your online course launch. Whether it's a specific revenue target, a certain number of enrollments, or building brand awareness, having clear goals is crucial.

Know Your Audience: Identify and understand your target audience. Tailor your launch plan to resonate with their needs, preferences, and pain points. Most launches don’t do well because people don’t spend enough time understanding who is right for their course.

Generate leads to your email list: Once you know who you is a great fit for your course, start attracting them to your email list with valuable af content. You want people on your list who will benefit from taking your course. It will be easier

Here's my example:

I’m currently in the early pre-launch phase for my course and I have defined my goals, audience and will start to generate leads to my email list.

My launch goals:

• Enroll 20 new students

• Sell out of all 3 of my VIP spots

• Generate 100 new email subscribers

• Be a guest speaker in two online communities about systems and two podcasts to promote my course

My target audience:

• Established business owners and service providers 3+ years in business

• They hold all the keys to their business in their head - no one can help them because they run their business mainly from memory

• They started to set up systems and organize the back end of their business but go too busy with other stuff and they never came back to finish setting them up properly. Now they have a lot of half-assed systems that aren’t serving their business anymore.

• Their processes that are documented or are outdated and they haven’t fully committed to automating their work yet - they feel comfortable being constantly busy with work but KNOW they need to change the

• They’re sick of their own shit and want to learn how to delegate better, outsource easier, automate and systematize the work that doesn’t use their best skills.

• They are at a crossroads in their business and they’re ready for their next stage in life and business but cannot commit because they’re already tapped for time and energy.

My lead generation strategy:

• I’m creating a free mini-course to help business owners simplify their schedules so they can prioritize the work that generates the biggest impact and create more white space in their workweek.

Need my help with a launch?

There are a few ways I can help business owners with launching:

I have 1-on-1 Momentum Sessions which are 60-minute intensives that go hard on removing one roadblock in your way of launching and we map out the solution together. You can schedule your session here.

Launch Projects - I can help you create, launch and strategize your next course. These are 2-6 month projects depending on where you are at with your course and launch.

If you’re interested in working with me, book in a free 15-minute chat below: